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Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 22nd Lesson

Sunday, October 22 2012
The lesson this week was Lesson 20, Temporal Salvation for Ourselves and Others, from Teaching of Presidents of the Church George Albert Smith.

We started out with the story about the Grasshopper and the Ant. Throughout the summer and the harvest the ant worked hard to make sure he had enough food to provide for his needs during the winter. The grasshopper spent his time playing, and when the winter came he had no food stored up to survive.

I think we will a agree we need and want to be like the ant.

We all have our agency and get to choose whether we will be like the ant or the grasshopper. 

D&C 93:30-31
  • This scripture tell us of our agency, which we had even while we were just intelligence's. It also reminds us that with our agency comes accountability.
Why are we required to work?

D&C 42:42 
  • We cannot expect a reward we did not work for.
D&C 75:29
  • It is a commandment from the Lord
Genesis 3:19
  • In the beginning Adam worked.
From the reading (page 216) George Albert Smith said he found joy in working. We truly can find joy in our accomplishments.

In our quest toward temporal salvation comes self reliance and family reliance.

Self Reliance

Learning- continually learning
Testimony- building our own testimony
Work- includes improving our skills so we can take care of ourselves whether through a job or just knowing how to fix the toilet. 
Emergency Preparedness- so we don't have to freak out in bad situations
Financial- tithing is very important

Family Reliance

The Proclamation to the World: The Family- it speaks of our roles and family duties
Charity- serving and loving others
Gifts of the Spirit- blessing others through our gifts

Enjoy these notes from the lesson! 

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